Monday, June 23, 2008

funeral march

No matter how we re feeling, there are certain arrangements that we must make including funeral burial services. A eulogy is a well-crafted speech, which a person is designated to prepare and deliver during a funeral ceremony.

The most common and sincere way of extending your sympathy is to say I am sorry to the bereaved for his loss. It requires that you sit down and think about the person who has passed on, and decide on the traits and stories that you want to share about their life. All you have to do is write and talk from your heart, and let your audience identify with your memories and emotions.

Remember even if it is a sea of strangers in front of you, not one person will judge you for it. People should realize through the poem that they lived with a kind soul and great person. Also, you can take assistance from our sample obituary formats for writing an obituary through our newletter.

While overwhelming, it does not need to be confusing. It should be written and delivered from the heart.

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